Boo's first foray into the show ring....Best Senior Puppy in Match
Greater Gainesville Dog Fanciers Association
Gilwood The Whole Kit and Kaboodle
DOB 4-21-10
Reg # TR95161301
Sire: CH Blanch-o Macario Leandro
Dam: Gilwood Peachy Keen
Health testing:
CERF: HV-35073

Havanese Nationals in Raleigh, NC 7-11
Boo places 4th in the 12 - 18 month class
photo courtesy of HavAntics Havanese
Boo's coat color journey in pictures

3 weeks old

5 weeks old
Boo was born black with white markings. As you can see above, at some time between 3 and 5 weeks old a white ring started around his nose.
This was when I realized he was going to silver.
5 months old
7 months old

9 months old
You can see the coat change starting to occur along his back. The texture and color are much different than his (yucky) puppy coat.
Boo is a joy to have. He's full of energy and loves to be cuddled.
In July 2010 We took Boo to the Havanese Nationals in Raleigh, NC and entered him in the 12- 18 month class. I'm proud to say he placed fourth. He was more interested in the new toy where I loved his beautiful white ribbon.
Boo now lives in Palm Beach with his two uncles, Mogie and Chance. He's living the high life.